Incredible show
Incredible show
Incredible show
Thank you for your partnership and cooperation on events for children's hematology-oncology patients. Your participation significantly contributed and helped put a smile on the faces of pediatric patients, and also to provide additional funding for child oncology. Children for a moment forget the stay at the hospital.
Kvapka Nádeje Foundation - Andrea Moderdovská
Kvapka Nádeje Foundation - Andrea Moderdovská
Performance was excellent, the people are fantastic entertained. Thank you once again for enrich our Christmas party. - Katarína Pekaríková, PR manager
We would like to thank you very much for the magic show. From the faces of the children we saw full satisfaction. It was great and we received great praise from several guests.
Matador Group - Mgr. Katarina Hajdinová, HR specialist
We were very satisfied with your performance and also with your flexibility to present in English.
Thanks again for more pleasant evening. Our party has become memorable - thanks to you.
HOLCIM Emerging Europe Services - Robert Palovic
Thank you! You were amazing. It is a pleasure working with you.
IKAR - Mária Lešková, PR manager
We were very satisfied. Thank you very much for a great show! I appreciate your professionalism.
ESET - Aneta Valentová, Benefits and Events Specialist